Bishops Finger

Bishops Finger Kentish Strong Ale je pivo koje je rađeno u najstarijoj pivovari zvanoj Shepherd Neame u engleskoj. Mlada ambiciozna obitelj je pokrenula tu pivovaru 1698. god. u srcu istočnog Kenta u Faversham-u. Zanimljivo je to da se ovo pivo samo radi petkom i dovršava ga sam vlasnik pivovare. On uzima mineralnu vodu iz arteškog bunara dubokog 60 metara i dodaje Kentski ječmeni slad iz Denne Hill farme i istočnog Kent Golding hmelja.
Bottle and can: Filtered.
Launched 1958.
Bishops Finger takes its name from the finger-shaped signposts which pointed pilgrims on their way to the tomb of Thomas a Becket in Canterbury and was the first strong ale to be brewed by Shepherd Neame after malt rationing was eased in the late 1950s. It is one of the UK’s oldest bottled beers, brewed since 1958.
Bishops Finger holds EU Protected Geographical Indication, recognising its unique provenance. Uniquely, it is brewed to a charter which states it can only be brewed by the head brewer on a Friday and that it must be brewed using 100% natural ingredients, Kentish hops and barley, and the brewery’s own artesian mineral water.
Opširnije na
Vrsta piva
Prvo točenje1958
Zapremnina boce0,5 L
Cijena30,00 kn