Brewdog Hardcore IPA

Kod Hard Core IPA jako se ističe biskvit/toasty aroma slada. Što se arome hmelja tiče jako je dobro, zapravo genijalno. Hrpa citrusa i borovine koja dolazi od simcoe hmelja.
Ova mala boca ima bombastičnu priču za ispričati. Provjerite zašto...
Bottle: Filtered. Cask: Unfiltered.
Also sold as Tesco Finest American Double IPA
Ingredients: Maris Otter, Crystal malt, Caramalt; Centennial, Columbus, Simcoe hops. Dry Hops: Centennial, Columbus, Simcoe. IBU 150
This Imperial India Pale Ale Rocks... Hardcore! But don’t feel obliged to take our word for it, this little bottle has a grandiloquent story to tell.
2,204 malted Maris Otter grains gave all they had to offer the world to provide the robustly delicate toffee malt canvas for the ensuing epic.
4 Hop Cones willingly sacrificed themselves in fiery cauldron that is our brew kettle to ensure your mouth is left feeling punished and puckering for more.
9,900,000,000 yeast cells frantically fermented their little hearts out as the sugars were magically turned into alcohol in the dark depths of our fermentation tanks.
2 humans and 1 canine companion are relatively happy with the results
Note this is for the new petrol blue coloured labels with white lettering, which is 9.2%. Ratings for the older bottles with with bright blue label and black lettering should go under the first edition.
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Vrsta piva
Zapremnina boce0,33 L
Cijena35,00 kn