Brooklyn Lager
Pivo New Yorka proizvodi se po receptu iz vremna Američke prohibicije kada je Brooklyn bio centar pivarske industrije na istočnoj obali. Brooklyn Lager je osvojio brojne nagrade. Čak je i Michael Jackson napisao recenziju piva u "Simon & Schuster Pocket Guide to beer"
Brooklyn Lager, the Brewery's flagship label, is New York's "hometown" beer, brewed to a pre-Prohibition recipe that dates back to the days when Brooklyn was the brewing capital of the East Coast. Brooklyn Lager has won numerous awards. Wrote Michael Jackson in the Simon & Schuster Pocket Guide to Beer: "The dry-hopped, fresh, flowery, firm, flavourful, Brooklyn Lager **-*** started well, in 1988, and has gained in character since."
Opširnije na
2010 World Beer Championships: Gold Medal,
2011 World Beer Championships: Gold Medal,
2010 3rd place,
2010 Hong Kong International Beer Awards Winner
0,35 L
30,00 kn