MC Chouffe 0,75 L
Nefiltrirani Belgian Strong Dark Ale, karakterističan po njegovovm "buketu" voćkastih aroma, blago karameliziran i neznatno gorak. Pivovara Achouffe utemeljena je u istoimenom selu, a osnovali su je 1982. godine bivši telekomunikacijski inženjer Chris Bauwraets i njegov šogor Pierre Gobron. Pivovara se nalazi u mirnoj dolini u prekrasnoj ardenskoj šumi na jugu Belgije, a ugled je stekla proizvodnjom začinjenih ale piva, dugujući ponešto dvjema pivovarama poznatim po takvim vrstama piva - Duvel i Hoegaarden.
A 330ml bottle dated best before September 2016 poured into a Chimay goblet. It poured a medium to dark brown with a slight reddish tint. One finger creamy tanned head with nice looking bubbles that dissipated slowly leaving nice stringy lacing. Main aromas of dark fruits of fig and raisins along with some pear and grapes. As it warms, the grape smell became really prominent. Strong tastes of dark candied fruits, plum, fig, grapes and raisins with hints of caramel and brown sugar. It was medium bodied with medium to high carbonation. Overall, this was very good. Both the smell and flavours actually improve as it gets warmer. It is not too sweet and I especially enjoyed the dark fruit flavours. This is so close to being a must buy beer for me.
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0,75 L
60,00 kn